martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

On Line vs. Off Line

Nowadays we consider that internet is the best resource to get information from manufactures, shops, products, consumers, etc. But at same time is a new distribution channel that conect directly manufacturers and consumers without distributors in the middle. All the potential benefits are still pending of being discover but the most important contribution to the economi is the amount of free flow information available because sectorial knowledge are up to any single player and is more easy to take advance to the very next future. Peter Drucker said: we are not competing with other products we compete with the information that our competitors use.
Jesus Gonzalez

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Be or not to be

The human behaviour can be standarize by an universal law. Have you hear about aurea rate??
Stocks exchange have already studied and customized the human behaviour when invest and there are many brokers that can advance the next decision (tecnical analyzres). Consumers in market of consumer goods is very similar, we can advance when the markets trend is driver by prices, quality or just fashion and take decisions considering next motivation.

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

Jesus, I promised you to write some comments about Drucker's video, but sincerely I prefer doing it about Michael Jordan's, if you don't mind.

He was one of my youth idols (I was basketball player). When he put a ball in his hands, someting magic happened. Another one of the best history basketball players, Larry Bird, said about Jordan: "I've seen God dressed up as a basketball player".

When I played basketball everyone wanted to play as Michael Jordan and everyone wanted to wear his trainers. Those black and red Nike trainers, especially created for him. Every time he wore these trainers in a match he had to pay a 1000 $ fine to the NBA because wear trainers with something in black was forbidden. In spite of that, he continued doing it.

Actually you just need one word to define him, brilliant.


Enviado desde HTC

viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

Spanish Potato

The typical Spanish potato is the person who considers the job as a hobby because they don't care how the business is how to create value through their job. They are just worry about issues like:

·         Photocopies of the book of her/his daughter

·         Call to all his/her family and friends

·         Criticize the work of their partners

·         Don't do anything with any responsibility


 Please don`t correct any aspect of their job because if you do Potatos won`t understand the reason why because in Spain the corporations exist just to pay them a salary but the don`t have any obligation in their job. I like to eat potatos but I think that is my subconscious who like to crush them. We invent the omelet spanish because we are plenty of potatos.

For sure cheap young people every day are very happy to work harder in order they would maintain their status quo compensating their improductivity

Simply the best